Saturday, 6:00 P.M. Taizé,
5th Saturday – Evensong

Sunday, 8:00 A.M. (Rite I)

Sunday, 10:30 A.M. (Rite II, and Live Stream)

Get Involved

Your Offerings of Time, Talent or Treasure Keep our Parish Vibrant

For those interested in helping at any of our worship serves as a Reader, Usher, Greeter or other positions, please contact Mother Anita Slovak at if you are interested. Thank you.

Many ongoing activities are described on our outreach page, but from time to time, various ministries are recruiting for special tasks. Please peruse the list below to see how you can help on a long-term or one-time basis:

Please contact Kathy Hatter if you are able to volunteer on any upcoming service.

Altar Guild Needs You!

If you would like to help with the services at Christ the King but don’t want to be “on display,” then the Altar Guild may be just the ministry for you! Members of the guild do our work before and after each service, and each new member has an Altar Guild Angel who works with and guides them for the first 6 months. We hope we will have enough members that each of us will be scheduled to serve only once a month.

Altar Guild membership is open to both men and women. We also encourage teenagers to come to a meeting to find out if this is something they would like to do.  Meetings are held as needed. Please contact Mother Anita Slovak at for further information.

Assistance is Needed in Our Nursery – We Need Volunteers!

Christ the King is looking for volunteers who would be interested in working with the children in the nursery on Sunday mornings between 9:00 am – noon. Workers need to be 17 years  old (or older) and must complete the Safeguarding God’s Children online course. Please contact Kathy Hatter at the church office at 520.297.2551 between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday and Friday 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. if you are interested.

Ministry Groups
Provide a Wide Variety of Opportunities for Service

In addition to our worship services and fellowship opportunities, Christ the King has eleven primary ministry groups,  all of which welcome new members at any time.  Detailed personal instruction is provided so that those who wish to participate will feel comfortable in their role.

Each group has a Vestry Link, who reports on the group’s activities at each meeting of the Vestry.

The ministry groups are:

  • AdministrationThis ministry encompasses the day-to-day operations of the parish office, maintenance and upkeep, financial accounting and service bulletins and notices. The Vestry Link is Senior Warden Marilyn Beasley.
  • Building & GroundsThe Junior Warden, Julie Zintsmaster, is the Vestry Link for this ministry group, which is responsible for the building and grounds, including landscape and the columbarium. A volunteer group meets for 2-3 hours on the third Saturday of each month to perform general landscaping tasks and cleanup.
  • Communication– The Communication ministry group is responsible for the telephone tree, the weekly newsletter – the E-Herald, social media and the website. The Communications  Vestry Link is David Skinner.
  • FormationBecky Nolen is the Vestry Link for Formation, which includes the nursery, Sunday School, the youth ministry, the Adult Forum, Wednesday Night Bible Studies and miscellaneous classes .
  • Fundraising & EvangelismThe Fundraising Ministry group consists of more than 20 parishioners who plan and coordinate our annual Holiday Bazaar and dinners. Funds are used for capital improvements, as well as augmenting outreach funds in our community and beyond.  Graham Bryce is the Vestry Link.
  • OutreachOutreach takes many forms, including an ongoing collection for the ICS Food Bank, which is located on the campus of Christ the King, and as-needed assistance to organizations such as Blessings from the Heart, Episcopal Campus Ministry, Episcopal Relief and Development, Imago Dei Middle School, AVIVA, Primavera Homeless Shelter, the San Carlos Apache Nation, DIBS for Kids, Refugee Resettlement, Tucson House, and Worker Sisters/Brothers of the Holy Spirit.  The Vestry Link is Moreita Chapman; the Outreach Chairperson is The Rev. Anita Slovak.
  • Parish Life– Cathy Lang is the Vestry Link for this ministry, which was organized to build unity and foster friendships in our parish community. The ministry includes the Circle of Friends. Fireside Shawl ministry, Hospitality and the Youth Group.
  • Pastoral Care–The Pastoral Ministries’ call is to see to the needs of those within our parish of those who have turned to us in time of need.  Several programs fall within this ministry: hospital visitations, the Jubilee Chapter of The Daughters of the King, lay Eucharistic visitors, Call Tree and the Prayer Chain. The Vestry Link is Jeffrey Stewart with Marilyn Beasley heading up our Prayer Chain.
  • StewardshipThe Stewardship Committee provides education around the importance of our time, talent and treasure in forwarding the mission of our parish; the group is also responsible for the annual Stewardship Campaign which raises funds for the upcoming year through pledges from parishioners. Don McArthur is the Vestry Link.
  • Welcoming– The Sunday Welcome Center and the quarterly Newcomer Receptions are the responsibility of the Welcome ministry. The Vestry Link is Gordon Barron.
  • Worship– The Worship ministry includes the Acolytes, Altar Guild, Flower Guild, Lectors & Chalice Bearers, Music & Liturgy, the King’s Choir, the King’s Ringers,  and Ushers. Ralph Stegen is our Vestry Link.

Help Us Keep You Informed!

Christ the King uses e-mail messages and other written communications to alert parishioners to upcoming events and other items of interest. If you have never filled out a parish information form–or if your contact information has recently changed–please complete a form at your earliest convenience.  We need your full name, current mailing address and e-mail address to ensure that you are kept up to date.  You can also contact Kathy Hatter in the office at 520-297-2551.

You may also check our Facebook page for up-to-the-minute news about events at Christ the King:

Calling All who Knit or Crochets:  

Participants in our Fireside/Prayer Shawl Ministry have given away literally hundreds of beautiful shawls to comfort people during difficult times, but they have a hard time keeping up with the demand. If you enjoy knitting or crocheting, please bring your needles and hooks and join them in the library on Thursday mornings from 10 till noon to share fun, goodies and prayer as they do the Lord’s work. We supply the yarn, and you may also work from home if you choose. For more information, please contact the CtK Office for more information at 520-297-2551.