See “Our Services” for special Services

Saturday, 6:00 P.M. (Casual, Contemporary Music),
3rd Saturday – Taizé,
5th Saturday – Evensong

Sunday, 8:00 A.M. (Rite I)

Sunday, 10:30 A.M. (Rite II, and Live Stream)


Children’s Education

New Family Center for September 2023!

The last day for Sunday School for 2024 is May 19!  Wear red for Pentecost and receive you summer goodie basket.  Sunday School will resume on Sunday, September 8th at 10:15 in the Family Center. Join us as we learn about Jesus and God’s Love.  Listen while we tell the stories from the Old Testament.  Watch the video with the Sparkhouse Kids.  The curriculum that we use is Sparkhouse Liturgical, so while you are listening to the lessons in Church, the children are learning the same thing.

Pre-School to Fifth Grade/Sixth Grade

The classes are in person and children will be joining their parent before Holy Communion.  Classes are offered on Sundays at 10:15 a.m. 11:15 am from September through May. Our varied lessons provide memorable Bible learning plus interactive teaching tools to engage students. Lessons are designed to encourage faith development beyond Sunday, so faith grows all week long.

Classes meet in the Family Center, just down the hall from the main church.


Vacation Bible School – SAVE the DATES  June 17, 2024 – June 21, 2024

          Diving into friendship with God!