Saturday, 6:00 P.M. Taizé,
5th Saturday – Evensong

Sunday, 8:00 A.M. (Rite I)

Sunday, 10:30 A.M. (Rite II, and Live Stream)

Lenten Services and Holy Week Schedule

Stations of Cross in Lent

Wednesday Evenings in March at 7:45 pm (after The Story) – In Nave
Thursday, March 15 at 5:00pm on Land, meet on East Patio (DoK led)
Good Friday, March 30 at 1 pm, after Noon Good Friday Service
(Two locations – outside on land and inside in Nave)

Note: Because of time constraints with Lenten Study and Soup Supper
on Saturdays, we will not do Stations of the Cross before the
Omega Service.

Holy Week Services

Palm Sunday, March 24+25, 2018

Three Services:
Saturday, 6 pm (24th)
Sunday, 8 am (Traditional) (25th)
Sunday, 10:30 am (Youth Sunday) (25th)
(St. Cecelia Choir, The King’s Ringers and The King’s Choir will offer music)

All three services will begin in the east patio and will follow into the church behind the cross and palms with a bagpipe procession.

Maundy Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 7 pm

Service will include the full choir, foot washing and the Stripping of the Altar.

The Watch, Thursday, March 29 at 8 pm to Friday, March 30, at Noon Held in the Library.

The reserve sacraments of Christ’s Body and Blood are placed in the Library at the stripping of the Altar during the Maundy Thursday Service.
There will be a signup sheet for two people (minimum) for one hour slots.
You may sign up for multiple slots – sign-up sheet in Atrium.
This will be a time for prayer and meditation.

Good Friday, March 30

Two Services:
Noon (Followed by Stations of the Cross on Land and in Nave)
7:00 pm (Full Choir)

Easter Vigil Service, Saturday, March 31 at 7 pm (Candlelight)

Service begins outside the Great Doors of the church with the lighting of the new fire.
Process into Nave behind Cross and Choir.
The Christ Candle is lit from the new fire and processed down the isle of the Nave.
The Choir will light their candles first.
Those on the isle will light candles from a choir member and pass on ‘The Light of Christ’.
Music:  The King’s Choir, The King’s Ringers and Trumpet
Sermon:  Children and Adult
Reception after service in Atrium
Note:  The will be no Omega Service at 6 pm

Easter Sunday, April 1

Two services:
8 am Service:
Music: Special Music
Sermon: Adult

9 am – 10 am  Potluck Breakfast in Undercroft
Note: Easter Egg Hunt for any children coming to 8 am on East Patio.

10:30 am Service:
Music: The King’s Choir, The King’s Ringers and Trumpet
Sermon:  Children and Adult
Noon:  Primary Easter Egg Hunt – East Patio Reception on East Patio – Mimosas and Snacks