Saturday, 6:00 P.M.
1st, 2nd, & 4th Omega Blended Worship w/Communion
3rd Taizé, w/Communion and Healing Prayer
5th Saturdays – Evensong (No Communion)

Sunday, 8:00 A.M. (Rite I)

Sunday, 10:30 A.M. (Rite II, and Live Stream)

Past Events (Page 26)

Arizona Repertory Singers

For more information and tickets for this concert go to : Part of the Haugh Foundation Concert Series  

Confirmation Service

Join us after the service at the Potluck celebrating the confirmands and Christ the King Sunday in the Undercroft

Holiday Market

Crafts, jewelry, baked goods.  Breakfast & Lunch provided for donation

Holiday Market

Vendors selling crafts, jewelry, baked goods and other items. Breakfast and Lunch provided for donation.