Fifth Sunday in Lent, John 12:20-33 The Rev. Frederick J. Masterman
Fifth Sunday in Lent, John 12:20-33 The Rev. Frederick J. Masterman
Fourth Sunday in Lent, John 3:14-21 The Rev. Anita M. Slovak
Third Sunday in Lent, John 2:13-22 The Rev. Anita M. Slovak
Second Sunday in Lent, Mark 8:31-38 The Rev. Anita M. Slovak
Lent 1, Mark 1:9-15 The Rev. Frederick J. Masterman
Ash Wednesday, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 The Rev. Anita M. Slovak
Last Sunday after the Epiphany, Mark 9:2-9 The Rt. Rev. Jennifer A. Reddall, Bishop
Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Mark 1:29-39 The Rev. Anita M. Slovak
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, Mark 1:21-28 The Rev. Anita M. Slovak
Third Sunday after the Epiphany, Mark 1:14-20 The Rev. Frederick J. Masterman