Saturday, 6:00 P.M.
1st, 2nd, & 4th Omega Blended Worship w/Communion
3rd Taizé, w/Communion and Healing Prayer
5th Saturdays – Evensong (No Communion)

Sunday, 8:00 A.M. (Rite I)

Sunday, 10:30 A.M. (Rite II, and Live Stream)

Christ the King is located on 12.5 acres of beautiful native desert in Northwest Tucson. Visitors can enjoy walking the outdoor Stations of the Cross, sitting in the serenity of the East Patio or basking in the glorious streams of light that bathe our nave. Please take a few minutes to explore our website, and feel free to contact us if you would like to know more about our parish.

Entering the church, you will notice that the nave is dominated by a “Christus Rex,” the Rising Christ, which hangs behind the altar. Carved of wood, our altarpiece is the work of famous ecclesiastical sculptor Edgar Keen, whose carvings can also be seen in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine and Riverside Church in New York City, at Pittsburgh Cathedral, Washington Cathedral, Christ Church Cathedral in Montreal, and in the Baker Library at Dartmouth College.  In his native England, some of the sculptor’s best-known work was destroyed in the bombing of the original Coventry Cathedral.

The Celtic tradition speaks of “thin places,” places where the veil between heaven and earth is thinner than others. Over the millennia, such “thin places” have become pilgrim destinations and sites where sacred spaces are built. Christ the King Episcopal Church is, in its own way, a “thin place.” We invite you to come and experience for yourself exactly what that means.